Saturday, July 28, 2007

Don't believe those lies they say about me

Special note to the first-time reader: There is no offense meant by the listing of the following organizations. Mental illness is very real, and those that suffer from it deserve the best of care.

Dear Isis,

I know you're probably not as Zeus says you are, but would you be even LESS crazy if he let you blog once in a while and get everything out, and what about Blackie???????


Hello Beau,

Personally, I'm not sure where this whole notion of crazy comes from. Just look at what I do throughout the week:

Monday: Meet with Peace of Mind, a Western-Houston organization for those with OCD.
Tuesday: Meet with Schizophrenics Anonymous
Wednesday: Online support group for cyberphobia.
Thursday: Browse through articles on Mental Help Net
Friday: Meet with Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance.

Saturday and Sunday are my off-days. I simply try to relax around the house and stay away from that fat ass, Zeus. As for letting me blog: He should just let me have my own blog, but he knows that if he did, all of my conspiracy theories would rise to the surface! He doesn't want to be exposed in such a way which is why he oppresses me so.

And Blackie...I don't even know about him.


Have a question for Zeus, Isis, or Blackie? Leave it in the comments! By doing so, you'll be supporting our blogging efforts for the next 11 hours!

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The Meezers or Billy said...

well Isis, if you had your own blog, you might get over your cyberphobia. i would like to hear your conspiracy theories. - Miles

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the Meezer. Isis, please tell us about your conspiracy theories...and I think you should start your own blog without telling anybody.

Questions for:

Isis-Why don't you start your own blog without telling anyone about it?

Blackie-What's it like to be from a litter of Squillions???

Zeus-What do you do to beef up and be so manly?

To all 3-If you were president, what would your main concern/focus be?

DK & The Fluffies said...

We hopped over to say hi! ~Fiona & Lando Bun