Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Dear Mouse

Zeus has told me that you are interested in me. He says you are my "secret admirer". I did not understand this because if you are a secret, then how does he know? Anyhoo, he told me that in response to someone being your secret admirer, you are supposed to provide pictures of yourself. I don't know how much of this is true, but I'm playing along for the time being.

If I should find out though that you are in some way connected to the FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, NRO, NGA, AFI, AI, NI, MCID, FDA, UNICEF, USDA, NBA, NFL, NCAA, Coast Guard, Navy Seals, United Nations, the Taliban, Department of Defense, member of the Pentagon, member of Homeland Security, or God forbid: Customs, I will be forced to take legal action against you and your supposed secret admirer advances.

Some people say I'm paranoid. I call it being cautious.

Here I am, striking a pose for the camera.

This is a good headshot of me. I can sit still if I don't think about everything else around me for two seconds.

And since I think you should have the full picture of me, this is me cranked out on nip. This left me with one humdinger of a headache the next morning.

I hope to hear from you soon, Mouse. Well, as long as you don't have bubonic plague, boils, warts, mumps, chicken pox, bird flu, typhoid, scarlet, or yellow fever, rickets, the shakes, scabes, leprosy, cow pox, or polio. I will need proof of your vaccinations should you choose to respond.



Is lub in de air?


Spock said...

Oh, furry purrty pictors!!!

Kukka-Maria said...

You can never be too careful of those who are affiliated with UNICEF!

That tongue-out, sleeping picture, alone, warrants a dozen more admirers.

Maybe you'll need your own Tomcat Stable...

The Meezers or Billy said...

you are furry purrty Isis. Can I be a Not Secret Admiral? (oh, wait, Sammy says it's Admirer).

Anonymous said...

Very gorgeous!

Teri said...

Hi Isis, I am a little girl kitty, but I am still an admirer of yours. 'Specially since you are soooo byoootiful! I hope to someday be as purrty as you. And dont let Zeus tell you any differently, you have all those colors cause you deserve matches your personality - complex and unexpected.

Gemini said...

Ah that's very sweet Mouse. And it's very nice of Isis to post those photos. I hope it's true and not just a ruse from places like Unicef!

The Crew said...

Isis, you are just gorgeous!

Victor Tabbycat said...

Isis, Mom says I'm DSH... is that bad? I hope not. You is a furry purty kitty an it's ok to be wiggly and a little ascared. Do you fink the DNR is out to get us? OOHH Bonnie said the DNR almost made a law here where it'd be ok to shoot cats! Eeek!

Maggie, Molly & Lucy Too said...

Oh Isis...You are so pretty...I hope when I grow up I will have a secret admirer too.

Teri said...

Am I the only one who has noticed that the DNR that was going to allow the shooting of poodins is also an acronym for Do Not Resuscitate? Do you think that is just a nasty coincodence?