Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Wooing Females, Tip #294

While conducting research on the female feline mind, I came across this rare, dusty artifact on a local library shelf:

Much can be learned from this video, namely:

1. In 1916, cats were much more unlikely to be uneducated. Waitink? I think not.

2. In the past, interspecies relationships were tolerated. Why is this not the case now?

3. My theory: The high rate of domestic mouse-on-cat violence.

4. Cats were the first to use hybrid vehicles for travel as is demonstrated by the unique aero-mobile.

5. Before serenading the love of your life, make sure you have the right address.


The Meezers or Billy said...

that was a cat? is you shur? looks more like a monkey to me. - Miles

Anonymous said...

Was it really a cat? Really. I think it's been edited for negative propoganda.

Parker said...

Dang - love gone wrong...