Thursday, August 24, 2006

Thursday Thirteen Edition #5

Thirteen of the Funniest Comments This Past Week

1. "All I'm saying is that 420 kittens makes me fall down on my four knees and express my gratitude for being spayed!," said The Empress Kukka-Maria.
2. Trish exclaimed, "A 3 pound cat?! That's about the weight of my cat, Nimitz's, left butt cheek."
3. "Too much Zeus at once can put my little body in a state of happy shock... me would rather take it in at a slower rate!" remarked TigerSan.
4. Brody the Bulldog pointed out, "Isis - you should be glad that you don't share the back of the love seat with ME!
5. "Your skills at getting the true story out are amazing," stated Cheysuli.
6. Lilize warned, "Just don't take a microphone ok?"
7. "We always wondered when he would come out...with the real story, that is...," pondered Grr, Midnight, and Cocoa.
8. Merlin, Shadow, and KO KO replied, "You really captured Core's deep, deep, distress."
9. The Divas at Diva Spot commented, "...[A] little catnip goes a long way in restoring your faith in mankind!"
10. "Are ya doing nip when you write these intensely theological ponderings Zeusie?" questioned Scooby, Shaggy, and Scout.
11. Nimbus mused, "You have inspired me to comtemplate life and love. But first, a nap."
12. "This is a shocking revelation. For all these years, I had believed the Sphinx was a pug," howled Ayatollah Mugsy.
13. Aloysius offered, "...[H]e is welcome to join the Church of Catmylogy where we celebrate the feline in all of us."

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


Bravely Sir Robin said...

OMG, I thought that was YOU they were referring to in #3!! ^_^

Carmen said...

i'm going to have to start getting more witty with my comments. I wasn't on the 13. Waaaaahhhhh! ;)

Anonymous said...

very cute. I love funny cats. Scraoll to the bottom of my blog to see our new baby cat.

MaR said...

I like this idea for a TT, you get fun comments - it's all your fault!! Happy TT :)

Lisa said...

Very creative! :) Cats are such funny creatures, aren't they?

Have a good thursday!

Trish Ess said...

OMHigherBeing! I'm 2nd on the list! I'm so honoured!! :) I'm sure Nimitz will be proud that his butt cheek will be forever immortalized on your blog, too. LOL

Thanks for the anniversary wishes! My TT is up! :)

K T Cat said...

What a clever idea for a list!

The Meezers or Billy said...

we will has to start being funnier too.

Anonymous said...

And I thought I was the only one with talking cats!

Thanks for visiting my 13, Zeus.

Tink said...

Hahaha, great comments! Thanks for coming over to get to know Freyja.

Tigersan said...

What a neat idea :). That was a good one, Nimbus! Me happy to have said something interesting... but me be more happy to have said something at all... ok, now me am just trying too hard ;)

Anonymous said...

These are so funny-thanks! :)

Renee Nefe said...

I'm with Carmen...must come up with something funny to make the list.

Anonymous said...

A fine list Zeus! I can't imagine how I made it!

Kimmy said...

That was fun! Great list idea!

Happy T13! My list's up!


Dat wuz vurry good Zeus!
We are definitely going to have to take 'funny' lessons though....


Aloysius said...

Hah! But my comment was serious, Zeus. Anyway, you inspired amanuensis to come out of the closet--as it were--with her own Thursday 13.

Lyn said...

Too funny. Great collection of kitty quotes. lol, my T13 is up at

Kelly Curtis said...

Great idea for a TT!! Thanks for stopping by mine!

Brody the Bulldog said...

I'm with Nimbus (#11) - Totally cool! hahaha

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha~ Thanks for laughs!

Raggedy said...

Great TT
My TT is up
Have a wonderful Thursday!

Dane Bramage said...

Great T13. My T13 is up.

Samantha said...

so silly...

Anonymous said...

Our names are on your list! Wow! That's really something cause the comments on your blog are some of the best we come across - probably inspired by your witty blogs!

by the know what makes our Lady giggle a whole lot? every time she comes across a story or comment that mentions "vishus deer"

Darla said...

LOL! You got some great comments. What a clever idea for a TT.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA! so funny! Thanks for the laugh!