Monday, April 17, 2006

My bath slave

I'm too cute to bathe myself.

That's why Isis does it for me. That's what slaves do.

She's trying to sneak a free cuddle. Curses!


Anonymous said...

You certainly deserve your name, O Imperial Zeus!

And I must say, Isis is one thoughtful kitty to be so nice to you:)

Victor Tabbycat said...

You look furry happy, Zeus, but I'm not letting Victor groom *me* any time soon. No way!

Unknown said...

haha!! Imperial Zeus!! so funny! Nice pics! =^^=

Shaggy and Scout said...

Scout tries it on me but it's always lick, lick, lick, bite, bite, lick , bite, lick, lick, bite, bite. Dumb baby. -Shaggy
ps: Thanks for the food info.

Aloysius said...

Thanks for the link, Zeus!

Anonymous said...

You're both too cute!

CatDonna & Cats said...

Sweeet! There's clearly some unrequited love going on here :)

Pip licks her babies so much she's got a slightly sore lower lip now. It's quite red.

The Meezers or Billy said...

Our Mommy says that Zeus was the ruler of Mt Olympuss. Is that where you live? So, if you are a great ruler, then of course you must have slaves to give you your baf.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Mittens better not lick lick on me! I will chase her.....

Mom helped me put a link to your site, thanks for linking to us.




That is so neat how you have trained Isis to be your slave. I just order my 4 brofurrs and sisfurs around. They leap at my command. I would make a good Generall.

**GNR ABBY(the miniature manx)

=^..^= said...

Oooh! You certainly are cute! No wonder your sister is pampering you to bits.

~5-Cat Style

craziequeen said...

We don't do that, dude........

we just bite each other and argue..


Kukka-Maria said...

Brach kisses my forehead sometimes, but I'm not fond of him bathing me.

My hair never looks right when he does it!