Monday, February 26, 2007

Vote For Mr. Litterbox, 2007!

[The bold sounds of big brass come blaring across the television screen. The camera pans across the contestants as they stand at attention, flashing their best smiles at the audience. Dressed in his finest evening wear, Zeus steps forward to a microphone at the front of the stage.]

The time has come to open up the voting to you, my dear readers! Consider all of our contestants equally, and make your decision carefully. The fate of our tomcats rests in your hands, paws, or other such appendages!

[A well-groomed man dressed in a dashing tuxedo saunters with authority towards Zeus, leans down, and whispers into his ear. He hands him a mysterious envelope and then walks off stage.]

Ladies and gentlemen, due to the fact that several felines competed in only one category, only one category for each contestant will be represented here on the blog. I will, however, point you in the direction of those who participated in all of our competitive categories so you can behold their individual greatness.

Without further ado, let's take a look at our gentlemen cats one more time:

Evening Wear


Other entries for Beau






Other entries for Skeezix

Sweeney's Boy


Other entries for Yao-lin

Strength and Form







Other entries for Jazper



[Zeus tears open the envelope handed to him earlier and releases a sigh in front of the audience. Realizing his error, he quickly clears his throat in an attempt to cover himself. He flashes a big grin to the camera and says:]

Due to misappropriation of funds, Mr. Litterbox voting will take place in the comments section of this post. You can vote more than once if you would like, but every vote must contain WHY you think your competitor is deserving of the title. In the case of multiple votes, list one reason per vote.

You have until Wednesday at midnight CST to get your votes in! Good luck to all of our competitors!


1 – 200 of 503   Newer›   Newest»
Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

I vote for myself, Dragonheart, because I think I look very handsome in my human dad's formal military uniform (Mess Kit.)

LZ said...

Well I vote for myself because I think I look very debonair!


LZ said...

And I vote for Latte because he dragged me into his picture and I'm a sexy Tom Cat.


LZ said...

While those two are busy voting for themselves, I'm going to cast my vote to Niki! For one thing, he looks like me, and for another, that physique is just to die for!


Anonymous said...

The link for Beau is incorrect. You can reach Beau's blog at

Anonymous said...

I vote for Skeezik because he is really wearing his own tuxedo and looks dashing.

The Crew said...

I vote for myself 'cause...well, 'cause I can!!!

Maxwell Smartkitty

The Crew said...

I'm voting for my brother, Max because I helped him get his entry together!


The Crew said...

Well, I suppose I should vote for Max out of family loyalty, but I'm voting for Skeez 'cause I just joined the Pink Ladies and he's wearin' pink nails. (And besides, Max still hisses at me sometimes!!)

Misty E

The Crew said...

Well, I'm voting for my little brother, Max. I helped raise him, you know.


One Scrappy Gal said...

I vote for Pooh!! There's something magical about him! He cured me of my ear infection!! He has powerful healing abilities...

Renee Nefe said...

I vote for Pooh because he is so talented at looking cute! And he needs this win to help with all the stress from his impending move.

Melli said...

Pooh gets my vote! He escaped the "dressing up" part of the competition - and that counts for a lot! And he is an enormously talented supervisor! I'm not quite sure his woman could get this monstrumental task done were it not for HIM overseeing the production from atop a fine brown box!

Anonymous said...

I vote for Latte because he voted for me--I'm sure. Besides, can't you just see Mr. and Ms. Litterbox hanging out together?

Gemini said...

Oh I don't know who to vote for! They are all so good. Skeezix for shear variety and he's wearing his own tuxedo. Latte because he looks so dapper and then Pooh for talent!

Caylynn said...

I vote for Dragonheart, because everyone loves a cat in uniform!

Katherine said...

I vote for Latte and Pooh.

Anonymous said...

I vote for Cosmo because the poor fella has no votes yet. ; (
He really is good with his talent too.

Beau said...

I vote for myself, too, because I think I look the most handsome and debonair in my tux!

Daisy said...

I vote for Skeezix, because he is so handsome, he makes my knees weak.

Pixie said...

I vote for Skeezix too. Because he worked out a lot to get ready for the contest, so his muscles got strong. And because Daisy loves him.

Anonymous said...

I vote for Dragonheart because he is a great ambassador for the Sphynx breed

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm voting for MYSELF because no one else has voted for me so far!!!

Anonymous said...

I vote for Dragonheart because he's such an adorable Sphynx

Fat Eric said...

I vote for Pepi because he looks furry smooth in his evening dress.


I hafta to cast my ballot for Sweeney's Boy...he has his tuxedo already on!


MaR said...

I vote for
1) Pooh because he is adorable
2) Dragonheart because he is the only I know of his kind.

Carmen said...

Pooh would like to cast a vote for himself, because cats are just like that, you know. And, he'd like to vote for all of the rest of his fellow competitors, because HUMILITY is ANOTHER talent of his. :)

All the cats look wonderful!

Lazy Daisy said...

I vote for Pooh because he is so darn cute plus he has a full time job trying to keep Carman organized.

I also vote for Dragonheart because I did Cats in uniforms.

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for The woman's dear friend pooh.

good luck pooh!

Heather said...

I vote for Pooh because I think his picture shows great promise! :)

Anonymous said...

I vote for Cosmos 'cause he needs the votes.

I vote for myself again 'cause NO ONE HAS VOTED FOR **ME** yet!!

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

We vote for Beau 'cause he looks furry distinguished in his formalwear!

Mo and The Purries said...

I vote for Jazper because I have to work with him, and he'd claw me to shreds if I didn't!
~ Not The Mama

Daphne said...

I vote for Jazper, 'cuz he's my fur-step-brother, and only himself and Not The Mama has voted for him so far!
Click on the link by his picture and see & read about all of Jazper's talents!
Vote for Jazper!

Meow for now,
~ Daphne

Spock said...

I vote for Beau cause he am mine internet brofur & he looks all way kewl!!!

Sadie said...

I vote for Jazper, b/c he lives in Michigan where it snows and I wish I had snow. His Not the Mama is my friend, too. What's not to love there, anyway?

Dobby said...

I would like to vote for Jazper, too, because he looks like a bigger version of me, he even has that white spot on his neck like I do!

Merlin said...

Oh, Oh I vote for Jazper b/c he is the fur-brother of my beautiful and sweet love, Daphne. And he's big like me, and very studly. Also like me.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Scooby: I vote for BEAU becaue he is most dashing and debonaire.
Shaggy: I vote for BEAU because his his momma is a very nice lady and Beau protects her.
Scout: I vote for BEAU because Scooby & Shaggy said to or there would be a rumble later.

Kukka-Maria said...

I vote for Max (From The Crew) because he's in my Tomcat Stable.

Kukka-Maria said...

I also vote for Pooh...cuas I want to be in my Tomcat Stable (get your own blog, kid).

Kukka-Maria said...

Finally, I vote for Dragonheart because you know what they say about tomcats with extremely large paws...

They bury their turds nicely!

KarenW said...

I vote for Pooh because he is doing an awesome job supervising the packing at Carmen's. I think he should come over here. All our cat does is sleep on or in the boxes.

Myst and Blackie said...

We (Mia & Ghost) both vote for Beau because he is handsome in all his pictures.

Darling Millie said...

I vote for Beau in the evening wear category, Nicky for Strength and Form category and Max for the talent category

Sharyn Ekbergh said...

I vote for Beau because he is so handsome.

Desert Songbird said...

I vote for Jazper because he's so talented, it couldn't be contained in just one photo!

Claire said...

I vote for jazper!!!

Anonymous said...

I vote for Dragonheart cause he's adorable and sweet.

Meowers from Missouri said...

i votes for beau, 'cause he's SO handsome in his tux!!!

xing lu

Meowers from Missouri said...

oh i vote for skeezix--james bond is my all-time fave!!


Meowers from Missouri said...

i likes beau acause he is just so deboner!


Meowers from Missouri said...

skeezix has my vote because he's the *cat's meow* in a tux and pink nails!

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for Beau. Besides looking so cool in his formal wear, he has a gentlecat manner about him: always polite and considerate.


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I vote for Jazper cause he is a great shop kitty.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I vote for Yao-lin cause Meowm likes him and he looks kinda like She Who Came Before Me.

Anonymous said...

Well, I am a bean, but I am voting on behalf of two kitties here, because they are the boss of me. They have insisted that I vote for Dragonheart, because he is handsome and very very brave.
Also, Prinnie thinks he looks extremely sharp in that Mess Kit uniform.

go Dragonheart!!

Anonymous said...

By the way, looking at all of these contestants... Everycat here looks outrageously impressive.
I am glad I did not have to do the voting.
and Judges, Good Luck

Forty Paws said...

I'm voting for Jazper because he's the wunnerful Man Cat who took me to the VD party at BeauBeau & Angie's!!!

Luf, Jenny

Tommy and Teaghan said...

We vote for Beau acoz he is a debonair gentlecat in his handscome tuxedo.

Forty Paws said...

I'm voting for Jazper too!!! He also escorted me to the VD party and only a real Mr. Litterbox could handle the three of us at one time!

Luf, Gatsbi

Forty Paws said...

I'm voting for Jazper cuz he also escorted me to the VD party at BeauBeau & Angie's and he didn't mind that I'm a Sergeant. He wasn't at all intimidated by my commanding purrsonality.

Luf, Sgt. Sally

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i vote for jazpur because he has cute toes.

smiles, bee

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i vote for jazpur because i love him!

smiles, bee

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i vote for jazpur because he guards the store!

smiles, bee

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i vote for jazpur because i "bean" told to!

smiles, bee

Anonymous said...

Another reason that I'm casting another vote for Beau is that I'm very glad to call him my friend.


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i vote for jazpur because he is handsome!

smiles, bee

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i vote for jazpur because he is a cute boy with many talents like chasing furballs!

smiles, bee

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i vote for jazpur because sometimes he is on my sidebar and i like it!

smiles, bee

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i vote for jazpur because he has cute ears!

smiles, bee

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i vote for jazpur because his tail has a little kink and it is cute!

smiles, bee

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i vote for jazpur because he makes his bean happy!

smiles, bee

Daisy said...

I am also voted for Skeezix, because he has very handsome pink toenails.

Daisy said...

I am casting a vote for Skeezix, because he looks like the perfect Mr. Litterbox in the Hugh Hefner smokin' jacket.

Janna said...

I vote for Jazper because I've met him in person, and he is very sweet. He apparently had a very rough life before he was adopted, and I think he deserves something nice like this.

Anonymous said...

Please cast a vote for Beau! ; )

Anonymous said...

Hey-someone is stuffing the ballet box! ; )

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

We vote for Beau 'cause he had lotsa good entries!

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

We vote for Pepi 'cause he looks furry debonair in his tux!

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

We vote for Proppie 'cause he looks cool!

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

We vote for Cheeto 'cause he looks strong!

Anonymous said...

cosmo is a cutie pie he has my vote

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

We vote for Jake 'cause he's furry talented!

The Meezers or Billy said...

I vote for Pepi 'acause he is like my brofurr-in-law - Miles

I vote for Cosmo 'acause he is my bud - Sammy

The Meezers or Billy said...

Oh, and I also vote for Beau 'acause he has been my bud for a long time too - Sammy

The Meezers or Billy said...

and I vote for Dragonheart - Miles

how many times can we vote? I didn't read all the rules 'acause that's like instrukshuns, and boys doesn't read instrukshuns

Anonymous said...

I vote for Jazper because he's my fur-brudder and he keeps Not The Mama company at the worky place.

~ Chloe

Anonymous said...

I vote for Maxwell Smartkitty cuz he's the best.

Tripper the Psyko Stray Cat said...

I vote for Skeezix becuz he looks like he'd be good to eet.

Anonymous said...

I vote for Skeezix because he worked very hard on his entry and becuz he looks very good in a monkey suit.

Shaggy and Scout said...

We, the guinea pigs at Scooby, Shaggy & Scouts house would each like to vote for BEAU.
He is snappy looking in all his pictures and we he doesn't look like the type who would eat us if he had a chance.
His momma is in that wheelchair and he loves her and protects her and tries his very best to be a good cat.

Mimi Lenox said...

I vote for Jazper. The nap picture on Mo's site made me go Awwww........Skeezix is a close second. He cracked me up during Peace Globes. I see his silly expression scroll across the top of my blog everyday.
Long live the Peace Cats!

LZ said...

Well I vote for Yao-lin because he is an even more aloof meezer than I am!


Unknown said...

I vote for Jazper!!

Is a amazing cat!!

Jean Paul

Anonymous said...

Hey cats!!

I vote for Jazper!! You rock, Jazper!!

Señor Gato

Lone Star Purrs said...

I vote for Beau! ~Meeko

I vote for Beau, two! ~Kiara

I vote for Beau, three! ~Emmy

Lynn said...

I'd like to vote for beau cuz he is such a handsome kitty in his suit!


Rosie & Cheeto said...

I, Rosie, am voting fur Proppie fur evaning whare and Jake fur the ackshun shot.

I, Cheeto, am voting fur Latte fur evaning whare and Max fur the ackshun shot.

Neila said...

Jazper gets my vote! You can't get a more cuddly pair than Jazper and Not The Mama!!

Travis Cody said...

Voting for Jazper because he's a Formerly Feral with a Heart of Gold. Very talented in the contortionism and in the stealing of your heart.

Anonymous said...

I vote for me again just because I can!!

Anonymous said...

I vote for Beau becaue he's my fur son and I love him!!

Anonymous said...

The following relatives also vote for Beau:

Aunt T.
Uncle Bob
cousin Smokey
Momma S.

(That makes 5 votes.)

Rosie & Cheeto said...

Oh yeah...evan thow Nicky is in a clowse race against me fur owr athletic figure...I vote fur him cause luk at thowse HUGE mussles!!!

Lux said...

I vote for everycat, because these are wonderful and amazing entries, but ...


Brad said...

I vote for Jazper. When I'm chatting with Morgen, he will invaribly jump on the keyboard and give me an indecipherable hi!

Skeezix the Cat said...

I vote for myself becuz I am the ONLY one in the formal ware divizhun akshully waring a monkey soot, wich is not even rented, it is one I own.

Anonymous said...

I vote for Latte because he's almost my "son" in law (Chey's Mom)

Skeezix the Cat said...

I vote for myself becuz I am the only one in the strength categorey hoo is akshully lifting wates.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to vote for Latte again because he's not being mentioned enough and it was a good enough reason for a few others out there to vote for some cats.

Anonymous said...

I'd also like to vote for Pooh because he asked me to help him out and it is a lot of work to have to constantly snoopervise a human.

Anonymous said...

I vote for Skeezix becuz he is a whiz in the litterbox.

Tara said...

Wow, I'm pretty confused! But since I can vote more than once:

I vote for Latte because he looks so suave and debonair, and has a cool sidekick in Chase.

I vote for Yao-Lin, becuase he is so regal, and royalty must stick together

and finally, I vote for Skeezix, because wearing your own tux and having pink nails is just too cool a thing for a Pink Lady to pass up!

Tripper the Psyko Stray Cat said...

I vote for Skeezix becuz he has big man cat mussels

Anonymous said...

Finally I need to vote for Skeezix because he has the most entries and looks great in everyone. It was tough enough to put me in a gown ONCE.

Anonymous said...

One vote for Latte because Chey told me to.

Anonymous said...

I vote for Skeezix because even though he is the ugliest cat ever, he has a nice persunality and he's willing to put himself out there and compete in contests like this.

Tripper the Psyko Stray Cat said...

I vote for Skeezix becuz he has a kyoot booty.

Anonymous said...

I vote for Skeezix because his Food Lady told me to.

Anonymous said...

I vote for Skeezix becuz he wares the tukseedo so I don't have to.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

i's gonna vote fur
Evening Ware: Beau
Talent: Jazper
Strength: Skeezix

purrrssss, KC

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

i cast my votes for Beau in all categories.... Missy Blue Eyes

mainely stitching said...

Cosmo rocks. He gets votes from our household totalling: 5 human animals, 1 bird (Gil-Bird), 1 rabbit (Nightingale), 1 dog (Rigby) and Spin-The-Cat.

Anonymous said...

I vote for Dragonheart because he is the only Sphynx I know.

Anonymous said...

I vote for Dragonheart because he is very cute, and because my daughter told me too!

Caylynn said...

I vote for Dragonheart because he looks very handsome in his dad's army uniform, and his dad does a great job helping cats and humans all around the world by serving in peacekeeping operations.

Anonymous said...

I vote for Dragonheart because I'm his grandmother (his mom's mom) and he is a very sweet, loving cat.

Anonymous said...

I'm Dragonheart's "Grandpa" and I vote for him because he is very cute.

Caylynn said...

I vote for Dragonheart because bald is beautiful!

Caylynn said...

I vote for Dragonheart because he is such a cute kitten!

Anonymous said...

I vote for Pooh Bear as he is the bestest and cutest Mr Litterbox anyday. Plus he is great at supervising!!

Anonymous said...

My 3 cats, 1 dog, and myself vote for Skeezix because he is too cute - so 5 votes for Skeezix.
Tara (not the cat)

Hot(M)BC said...

Me and Boni and Gree and Pepi vote for Pepi cuz he's our brofur (or he's him hehehe)

Mini votes for Jazper cuz she finks his talent is sooper.


peanut butter said...

I vote for Jazper!

Daisy said...

I am voting for Skeezix, because he can lift a very HEAVY weight.

Daisy said...

I am casting a vote for Skeezix because of his awesome talent.

Daisy said...

I am also casting a vote for Skeezix because he looks sexy in his weight lifting outfit.

Daisy said...

Oh yeah, I forgot to add that I am casting a vote for Skeezix because he
looks so good in the pink feather boa. Surely that is a prerequisite to being Mr. Litterbox.

Pixie said...

I am casting another vote for Skeezix. Because my sister Daisy told me, I mean, because he looks good in his sunglasses.

Millie said...

I vote for Beau because he is handsome and he is a gentleman and because he I just think he is very sweet, and looks great in a tuxedo.

Millie said...

Jasmine votes for Beau because she loves his Southern manners and because of his charm.

Millie said...

Gizzy is voting for Beau because I asked him to.

Millie said...

Mom votes for Beau because he sent me a present a few days after I moved in way last summer.

Millie said...

I'm voting for Beau because I have a crush on him.

Millie said...

I'm voting for Beau (again) because I can. I think he is sweet.

Bobkat said...

What? I can't vote for you Zeus?!!

Okay - I vote for Sweeney's Boy because he has that 'juis ne sais quoi' about him and also Jake for letting his lack of opposable thumbs not be an issue!

Spock said...

I camed back to vote for Skeezix acause him am all way sad on hims blog fing.

Durward Discussion said...

I vote for Jazper. The ballot box is being stuffed, but he deserves it for his almost unlimited range of obvious talents.

Anonymous said...

I see multiple votes are permitted...
I am voting on behalf of two kitties of mine, Caesar and Princess, so that is two votes from here:
Caesar: -> Dragonheart, because he looks kind and gentle and very dashing in his daddies Mess Kit uniform
Prinnie: -> I believe Dragonheart handily (or pawly) receives my vote for Mr. Litterbox because he is very handsome (and I love younger men.)

Christine Boles said...

I vote big time for Jazper! He rocks my whole world~ a very talented, charming greet-the-guests store kitty!
Store kitties are very necessary for keeping our spirits up, and Jazper is the Master at it!

Myst (Muddy's Brother) said...

Beau has my vote. A real well-dressed cat about town.

Carole Burant said...

I'm voting for Cosmo because who can resist that face so full of concentration:-) Goooooo Cosmo!!

Anonymous said...

I vote for Latte because I need to show as much support as his girlfriend's (Chey)family showed for him. And he's just CUTE!

Anonymous said...

Apparently I have to vote for Latte. I'll do it because he's quite adorable all of the time.

Anonymous said...

Um, I know I'm the first horse to cast a vote but Latte certainly looks great in his tux!!

Anonymous said...

Since Chase featured me on his blog today I have to vote for him and Latte.

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

We vote for Latte. Really because Chase is just too cute in that picture.

LZ said...

Latte: I want to vote for Skeezix because he looks awesome in his feat of strength! He really should win because come on, who is Mr. Litterbox if not him??

Kaze: I want to vote for Yao Lin again because he is just smashing and amazing!!

Chase: Hmm....Nicki could use a little more support and I think he is quite strong indeed!

Anonymous said...

Bitey - I vote for Skeezix because he's actually wearing his own tux.

Stevie - I vote for Skeezix because I like his pink claws!

Lucy - I vote for Dragonheart because he looks great in the uniform (AND because his paws look HUGE in that photo and you know what they say about cats with big paws!)

Anonymous said...

I vote for Dragonheart because he looks darling in that uniform!

Anonymous said...

I vote for Dragonheart because he is cute and adorable.

Tripper the Psyko Stray Cat said...

I vote for Skeezix becuz of his Barney Fife fizeek.

Tripper the Psyko Stray Cat said...

I vote for Skeezix becuz he's kyoot.

Anonymous said...

I vote for Skeezix becuz he's an enthooziastik stroler.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

The pressure is too much to bear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have already casted a vote for Jazper and Yao-Lin.....and I am going to now cast a vote for everyone cause there are too many to choose just one or two.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

But Meowm says the Yao-lin has not had enough votes and he really is very handsome so he gets one more vote.

Jules said...

I vote for Jazper because he is the most hospitable shop cat around and he's super cute and friendly.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

I'm voting fur Skeezix cuz yoo gotta be one furry sekure (or crazy) guy to be seen in a pink manikure and a tux~Speedy

Carmen said...

Pooh is all over me for his own blog now, because he feels the cats are all voting for each other, and because he wants to be in Kukka's tomcat stable. I'll never hear the end of it, but I vote for him anyway.

The Meezers or Billy said...

I is voting today for Proppie - he looks furry hansome in his tux, and he looks at little like the Godfather wif that ring. - Miles

The Meezers or Billy said...

I too is voting for Proppie today - he looks like a chick magnet in his tux

Anonymous said...

Will try again...
The following non-bloggers vote for Cosmo because they love him so much!
His Dad B
his bro S
his mom-mom K
his little cousins K&T
and his pop-pop C
So that's 6 more votes.

Anonymous said...

Vote for Jazper because he has a great cat style and has a remarkable list of talents

Hot(M)BC said...

I's voting for Jake today cuz he's amazin catchin that ball sitting up like that!

Anonymous said...

The following non-bloggers vote for Skeezix because they love him so much!
His Cuzzin Fred
His Cuzzin Bandit
His Cuzzin Eddie
his little cuzzins tiki & jonah
and his pop-pop Ken
So that's 6 more votes.

Skeezix the Cat said...

I vote for Latte and Chase becuz they look so good in tuxes

Meeps said...

I vote for Skeezix becuz he is a hot man cat

Anonymous said...

I vote for Latte and Chase cause they both look so dashing in their tuxs.

kuanyin333 said...

I vote for Dragonheart because he bribed me with some xtra yummy stuff.

Fancidots said...

I vote for Skeezix because he is our baby cat, Zenith's best friend.

Anonymous said...

I vote for Skeezix cause he's the kewlest cat EVUR!

Anonymous said...

I vote for Skeezix cause he wares all kinds of hansom owtfits.

This vote from Fancidots Gang member Emma

Anonymous said...

We vote for Skeezix just because he is sooooooo KEWL!!!!!!

Paige said...

We vote for Skeezix because he's just too cool. Even though we are jealous of him already. He should get two votes from us.

Buddy and Wesson

Fancidots said...

I vote for Dragonheart, because he's a very hansome frootbat looking kitty.

(this from Fancidots Gang member Lightnin)

Anonymous said...

I vote for Skeezix, cause he's sooooo strong

Wayne said...

I vote for Jasper,
He is a great Goodwill Ambassador for The Wren's Nest.
His talent for meeting and greeting customers
makes Jazper and excellent Shop Cat!

Fancidots said...

I vote for Skeezix cause I like pink, too.

(this from Fancidots Gang member Casper)

Anonymous said...

I vote for Skeezix, cause he's introduced us to so many of his friends, he's one friendly guy!

Mr. Zenith

Andree said...

Dragonheart! Dragonheart! How can you resist a man in uniform? You can't!

PrincessMia said...

Here are my votes:

Evening Wear
Beau (he looks fabulous!)

Strength and Form


If I can only vote for one mancat, then I vote for Beau!

Anonymous said...

I am voting for Dragonheart because he is very sweet, and he looks quite handsome in his daddies Mess Kit with those huge paws.

Anonymous said...

The following relatives and friends cast their vote for Beau:

mom's godmother
her best friends Lisa & Leigh
cousins Anne and Lisa & their 3 cats
Ms. Betty, C., & N. and their woofie and cat
cousins Ros. & Betty
friend Angie & her cat
friend Dave and his cat & woofie

(So that's a total of 20 more votes.)

Anonymous said...

Mom and I vote for ANY cat who does **NOT** have ANY votes yet (if that's possible).

Anonymous said...

I vote for Skeezix because he's got a great tux and pink toenails!!!

Eclair said...

I vote for SKEEZIX!!! Why? becuz he is my best frend and he's the best dressed kittee I noe!!

Yaaay for Skeezix!!

Tiramisu said...

SKEEZIX all the way!!! I owe havin a perfeckt furevur home to him, he iz wun kool kat!!

Anonymous said...

I vote for Skeezix because Daisy loves him. And Daisy asked me to.

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