The dreams of one special femme feline are about to come true. You, reader, hold the power in your hands or paws as every vote you submit goes towards crowning the very first Miss Litterbox!
Let's take one last look at our contestants. Ladies, please:



Click on the button to place your votes now! You can vote as many times as you want until Wednesday at midnight!
I'm so bummed that I didn't get Malia's photo done in time. These are great! LOL!
I can't believe how many votes have been cast already this morning! It's a very close race thus far. It's going to be very interesting to see how this pans out.
Absolutely, Zeus. This is one every vote hangs in the balance for these young ladies...[hic]...felines. One make-out session with one anonymous girl on some anonymous beach could ruin it forever for one of them if [hic]...err, nevermind.
I thought you said Katie Rees would not be here, Zeus?
[Rolls her eyes and poofs out her hair. Once it has reached mane-like proportions, she continues.]
America, never mind that drunken whore sitting next to me. Focus on me.
I get the feeling this could be a messy two days.
[Seeks cover underneath his chair...]
Where did Zeus go?
[Looks around almost as if she cares...]
[Drunken slurs evident:]
You probably ate him. You're a lion! [hic] I mean, a really big, fat, bitchy lion! [hic] Yeah!
[Points at Vanessa Williams and then falls over in her chair]
Wow Zeus, you really showed us the best sides of Vanessa Williams and Katie Rees LOL I went and voted :)
It's so hard to choose, they are all such lovely contestants! I voted, it took me a few minutes though. :O)
I think that the competition was quite stiff. Me or Pixie? She looked good! And then the talent portion--such difficulty!
wow, that's some stiff competishun!!!
I'll have to ask Chey where I can get that dress. ;)
BWAHAHAHAHahaha-- ow! Hey! That hurts-- Ow! OUCH!
I still don't see why it was a gerls-only kontest....
Really Skeezix, we all know that you'd always win any fashion contest! You've got to give Daisy a chance--though I don't think you'd look as good in a bathing suit...
I vote for Cheysuli!!!! She looks incredible in that dress.
I'm sad I didn't get to enter, I really would have loved to have shown off my slender body and large ears. I vote for Cheysuli too!
Hmm....I'm voting for the hottie Pixie!
i so wish i could've got my dress pic down in time....but my talent pic will just have to work for now.......
Oooh, how did my humans ever ever miss this, the perfect contest for a Spokesmodel like me? Hissss on them! Well, since I can't vote for me, I vote for Chey ... you go, girl, you've got some kind of divahood goin' on there!!
ArtsyCatsy Spokesmodel
Yay! I voted. I can't wait to watch the live finale.
I'm afraid the valentine contest took too much out of me to enter, but it looks like the competition would have been pretty stiff! You go girls! Tara
Each girl is so lovely in her own way, it's very hard to pick just one. Too bad Mom didn't get a chance to enter us...well maybe next year.
Tipper & Misty
I'm having technical difficulties posting who the winner is. Look for it this afternoon. I'm sorry for the delay!
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