The Miss Litterbox Committee felt that, if tried again, a contest drawing the most desirable tomcats from around the world might be well received. We of The Zeus Excuse present to you the first ever Mr. Litterbox Beauty Competition! The concept of presenting tomcats with, not just great looks (or hoo-hahs in most cases), but with style, charm, intelligence and strength will be entertaining millions worldwide. The search is on for the most desirable tomcat in the world!
Entry Rules
Who: Any cat, so long as he is male.
How to Enter: You are required to compete in one of the three categories: Evening wear, talent, or strength and form. (The logo for Mr. Litterbox would be an example of the third category!) Remember to be creative!
Due Date: You will have until Sunday, February 25, 8:00 pm CST to post your comment containing a link to your posted entry on this post. Voting will be open to the public on Monday, February 26, and will end on Wednesday morning at midnight.
What You Win: Mr. Litterbox will receive the highest quality, most illustrious, and notoriously expensive goodies befitting a tomcat of his standing. Items such as weights, proteins, bow-ties, cologne, etc., are subject to vary, but will undoubtedly be purchased at the finest of pet couture retailers, i.e., PetSmart.
Feel free to download the header graphic and spread the word to your fellow toms! Remember: Even if you do not have a cat blog, that is NO reason not to participate. We accept any and all entries!
You asked for it, and now it is here! So what are you waiting for? The next Mr. Litterbox could be YOU!
if I can find time among packing and stressing about moving, I'll be sure that Pooh Bear enters, in at least the talent competition. :)
i fink that tuxedo kitties like Max and Timmy haf a 'vantage, 'acause they is already in evening wear. I'll haf to try and make mommy enter me. Miles
Brach is chomping at the bit to enter. Is long-division and algebra a talent, though?! Definitely not "strength and form."
Hmm...my girlfriend won Ms. Litterbox so perhaps I should go for Mr. Litterbox. I know Chase will want to enter because he's quite impressed with himself all of the time.
Alright....here is my entry!
I sure hope Skeezix enters. I'll bet he would win in the strength competition! (I just want to see him flex his muscles)
I'M GONNA WET MY PANTS I'M SO IXSITED ABOWT THIS KONTEST!!!! I'm gonna go praktiss flexing my mussels RITE NOW!!!!
hmmmm ....
i jus wanna hav dat big muscyoolar guy on mi paje ... da one hoo iz advertizin da "mr. litterbox,2007" competishun ... not mi grate an muscyoolar frend skeez.
so i'm gonna enter ... but i hav sum work to do!
Check, check, check meez out! A new Stud on the Block...Here's my entry!
OH, I gotta think long and hard abowt this one!!! What a grate contest, Zeus! Yoo rock!
Does it have to be a man with big muscles? I'd rather see an actual cat in a litterbox! ; )
Ok, I'll have to get my act together for the competition.
What a great competition! :)
Here is my entry, in the evening wear category:
How democratic of you Zeus. But surely the result is a foregone conclusion if you are to enter?
Ahem... I do believe being graced with evening wear 24/7 gives my little guy a leg up. He's so freakin' stylin'.
Zeus, my entry is entered at our blog.
Maxwell Smartkitty
I hope Skeezix enters the Mr. Litterbox too but don't tell Daisy 'cause she may find out I kind of like seeing him flex his muscles too. May she will be in prison from tagging the house. I hope not. Rocky has some big muscles too I noticed when he was boxing with Skeezix in the video.
I'm entering the Mr. Litterbox 2007 contest. Find me at http://home.earthlink.net/~catbeau
There you go Zeus! : ) Thanks for this purrfect opportunity to strut my stuff!
Well, Prop asked me to inform you that he has entered the contest in the category of Evening Wear.
Take a look at his gorgeous - and if I might add 'sexy' - photo, over at: Prop's Entry
Not The Mama from Purrchance To Dream would like to enter RK Jazper into the Mr. Litterbox contest.
His Talent entry is up at
I have chosen to enter into this competition. My category? Evening wear.
My brother Mao is threatening to enter the competition also. Will someone please explain to him that there is no category for ugly?
I forgot to mention I will be competing in all 3 categories, formal wear, athletic, and talent.
The Woman has packed our computer, so I can't show off my dapper tuxedo, however, I am competing in the talent portion of your event. My entry is live on The Woman's site. I have GOT to get my own blog!
Only two more dayz until the contest deadline!?!?! I hope my werkowt rooteen is werking and I am sexy enouff to win the contest!! -Cheeto
Zeus, KLIK HEER for my entry.
Skeezix the Cat
Mr Litterbox Hopeful
I've posted my entry :)
Your bud Pepi
I cnat wiat to look at all the handsome pictures!
Zeus, I posted an entry in the talent category: http://jakeandbathsheba.blogspot.com/2007/02/jakes-mr-litterbox-entry.html.
I'M LATE but it's all my ladies boyfrend Mr. Werks fault! ::Hrumph::
Evan if I'm not offishul, I still made an entry to yer awesome contest. Here yoo go!
or just: http://roroandcheesehead.blogspot.com/
Here's my photo for talent...ma screwed up and didn't have a chance to make a graphic. Sorry! I am doing the feather on a stick stare down.
Ok, my picture is up now-night night and good luck to everyone! Go to the newest entry on my blog.
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