When the human pet is careless enough to drop an ice cube onto the kitchen floor, I come running from the back of the house just to take a swat at it! There's nothing more pleasurable than the feel of slick, cool ice underneath your paw-pad. The only downside is that as I play with the ice, it melts between my paws. Occasionally, glistening puddles have been known to appear on the floor, and once or twice, the human pet has slipped on them. (Personally, watching her skate on liquid remnants of ice cubes is just a priceless bonus for having played with the ice.)
Yep. The Giggy agrees. Every fresh bowl of water must have an ice cube in it. He sits and peers at the ice cube with great interest. I am sorry to say that the Evil!Troll thinks its funny to shove his fat little nose into the ice cube just to watch him yowl and run away.
We all know the Troll is evil!
Sgt. Andy Agrees. My human called " Mommy" puts ice chubes in my water bowl and calls it a " Lil Kitten Coctail " what ever the heck that is. Must be pokay if it has tailsies.
I've never been too fond of ice. I mean, I pretend to want ice, but then sniff it and walk away, making my agent have to stoop and pick it up.
Maybe that is my smallest of smallest luxuries! Making her work needlessly!
Meowma says her small luxury is books.....or things for me.
My small luxury is treats!!
Oh, Zeus! Don't tell me you laugh at your pet when she slips. Mean Kitty! (Or should I say Funk Master Zeus?)
My dad used to skid an empty cigarette carton across the linoleum floor for our pet kitty to chase...of course, ciggy cartons are going out of style, aren't they?
My mom puts ice in my water. It drives me nuts so I always wait for it to melt.
Lilly likes ice cubes...but sometimes she prefers them to be crushed. Every time she hears the ice dispencer she comes running.
we has nefurr played wif ice - it sounds like fun. we will haf to try it.
Me also into the ice thing. It is cool and fun... and doesn't taste bad ;). Me likes all things ice: ice cubes, ice shushes, ice cream, Vanilla Ice... opps, did me just let that last one slip ;)
Ice is a great toy. Your human pet needs to be more careful.
Mom puts ice in our water bowl and Roxie picks it out and puts it on the floor. That's ok with us (Sammy & Andy), we like to chew on it. Mom doesn't let us do that too much though. She says she doesn't want to have to pay for doggie tooth crowns.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Yep we have to agree wif ya. We love ice.
Purrs - KCC
I think ice is too cold to play with. Though I like the bonus of watching Momma try and walk on water that she doesn't know is there...
My Pooh Bear would agree with you. He likes to leave ice puddles so I step in them in my sock feet and get all upset about it. :)
At first I couldn't figure out what that picture was. Oh, ICE!
Malia loves playing with ice. She does get a litte annoyed when they slide under the fridge though.
It's interesting to see we share the same affinity for ice. Only mine isn't in a cube shape...it's more of a half moon. I love the dispenser in the door and look up expectantly whenever anyone uses it.
Blogger has been extremely uncooperative of late, hasn't it? It even made our computer freeze up twice. Needless to say, I was not happy.
oh yes! we get ice in our water bowl, and also on the floor - just for fun. the Lady doesn't mind if it gets melty and puddly - she says it'll just make the floor clean when she wipes it up when we're done. she's cool like that.
Two words-ICE HOCKEY!!
I am the bestest at this when someone drops ice. I even made ma a bit peeved when I slammed a piece under her stove.
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