Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Unwanted delivery

Dear Driver-of-the-white-minivan,

Please refrain from throwing your newspapers onto our front lawn. My human pet has never once read these papers, and all it does is infuriate her. We appreciate the fact that it is a free newspaper, but let someone else enjoy the fringe benefits of said freedom. Save some trees, skip this house, and let my human pet enjoy the front yard without the blemishes of your plastic-wrapped penniless newspapers covered in morning dew.



Melli said...

Oh Zeus! GOOD Kitty! Perhaps you could also send the dog out to BITE his tires!

Wendy Wings sent me over to check on this situation!

Carmen said...

Oh, I HATE those papers. Especially when people ignore them and there are bright orange wrappers everywhere! Zeus, perhaps you should hiss at the driver!

Here again from Wendy's

Anonymous said...

Well, if you got a bird (to, uh, look at), you could use the papers in its cage.

Here from Wendy.

Natsthename said...

Wendy directed me here today!
Can't you just line your little box with the paper? Make little piddles on it!!!

Carmen said...

Tell your human not to get discouraged. I couldn't get the linkies to work the first time, either. :)

Wendy sent me back.

Pam said...

"Wendy directed me here today"

Hi Zeus. We hate newspapers around here too. But my owner, stinky, has passed on to another world so there is no one looking out for our yard any more. we are waiting for human child #2 to get a bit older before bringing another owner into our abode.

Zeus said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, Miss Pam. I understand how hard that is. I'm sure Stinky is happy, though, in his new home and waiting for all of your lovely family patiently. :)

LZ said...

Wow Zeus, good for you sticking up for your human like that! I can't stand when they put those papers on the lawn, they are quite annoying! Perhaps you could growl at the man and show him how fierce you are?

Mama Duck said...

Aren't you an attack cat?? (Here from Wendy again ;))

Zeus said...

Hmm...perhaps I need to go into training again to take on the White Minivan. I'm feeling inspired now for certain! Thanks Lil Duck!

Kukka-Maria said...

Um...sorry, Zeus. I just got my driver's license, a luxurious minivan and access to an unlimited quantity of crappy, free newspapers. I thought you would like them.

Perhaps you wanted some cologne instead?

Zeus said...

SO IT'S YOU?!?!?!?!

It's so on now! And no, I don't want to go to the local cornerstore to pick up any of your cheap cologne from the trunk of your minivan!

Carmen said...

Let's just take all the idoits and throw them into a ravine!

Back from Wendy's

Anonymous said...

Use them to clean out your crap. And the next time the car comes by, toss them back!

Mama Duck said...

LOL I like the tossing it back idea!! Glad I could inspire you - you can take them!! (here again from Wendy's)

Meira{FB} said...

LOL! Over visiting from Wendy's

craziequeen said...

Zeus, you handsome hunk of feline!

It's Charlie and Pandora's mum here saying 'Wnedy directed me here today!'


We get those free papers, they just go in the recycling....


Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Momma uses them in the winterstime to build fires to keep our tosies warm.

Patches Lady

craziequeen said...

woo hoo!! I'm on the 'homo sapiens' blogroll of the Majestic Zeus!!!!!


Here from Wendy's - probably my last call before I curl up in bed with C&P :-)

MaR said...

Oh, I love the paw! Miss Wings sent me here :)

Renee Nefe said...

Hi again Zeus! Wendy directed me here today...but I really enjoy reading your stuff.

Valerie said...

LOL! Spose it will work! Wendy sent me here today!

Renee Nefe said...

Glad that you enjoyed finding the recipe and hope that your human does bring you home some fish soon...preferably the kind that's already dead. ;)

Anonymous said...

I never read that damn paper either. They always get soggy somehow too and who in their right mind wants to play with soggy newspaper?
Here form Wendi again :D

Lisa said...

Oh my gosh! This is great. I cant even begin to tell you how much I despise the "free" papers I get. They drive me bonkers. I am collecting them now, and one day, I am going to follow the Red minivan (funny its the same kind of car!) back to her own house and then drop them all in her yard. Bet she would love that. And forget even trying to tell them to please stop, its like a drive by. They throw and speed off! Thanks for the laugh Zeus! Wendy sent me this way!

Pink Chihuahua Princess said...

Good for you...supporting the trees like that, Zeus. Our Mommy gets really upset about people hurting the environment.

Just Ducky said...

Go out and throw them back at them! Mum gets at least two of those every week.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

bwhaaaahhaa! Kukka's leavin' you papers?! Do what we do, wait till the humans open the papers to read them and then lay all ofur them and rip them to shreds so they can't read them.

YellowRose said...

I also hate those free papers, they are such a waste!!

Wendy directed me to you today!

Samantha said...

Hiya Zeus, Wendy directed me over AGAIN (not that I needed directions!) I think your human should put a HUGE sign on the lawn that says "WE DONT NEED NO STINKIN PAPERS" LOLOLOL Just leave it there until they get the idea!!


Very good notice.
Thanks for coming by.

Renee Nefe said...

our stupid free papers come with a once a year request that we actually send money to pay for them. Can you believe it??? I couldn't either. But I don't pay and they still keep coming.

Lilly hasn't learned to fetch the paper yet. We'll have to work on that. Dogs are kinda slow.

Bobkat said...

Hi, thanks for visiting my blog. I hate those papers too though here in the UK they put them through our front doors so that they clutter the hall instead! BTW, Zeus you like a very grand cat to me!

Bravely Sir Robin said...

It -COULD- be worse! Here the crappy free paper comes before 6am! And they FLING it at the house, which it hits with a WHAP! Even if my owners don't wake up, I jump up & look out the window! Of course that makes the owners wake up...and why are they so grumpy? I'm just keeping and eye on things. Isn't that my job??

Kukka-Maria said...

You know what my agent said?

"At least the free papers are not as annoying as all of the phone books that are randomly delivered throughout the year!"

Rascal said...

You tell 'em Zeus. Newspapers are nothing but dog toys anyway.