The human pet took her G-R-E this morning. I could tell she was very nervous because she paced back and forth between the kitchen and her bedroom. I almost tripped her because I tried to distract her by dropping onto my back in the hallway and exposing my very cute and fluffy tummy. She wasn't buying it.
Four hours later, she came home with a huge smile on her face. She was cheering and screaming! She rubbed my face repeatedly and kept asking me if I was proud of her. I told her yes, but only if she got over the 900 she needed for her scholarship. She said she had, and with that, I told her I was indeed proud of her!
It's nice that the human pet did what she set out to do because now she might have time for me again. It's been a long time since I was able to sit on her lap and watch television with her in the living room. She's been too busy studying to snuggle.
She has one more test on Tuesday, and I am not so sure what this one is about since the human pet hasn't shown me any materials. When I find out, though, I'll tell all of you. Apparently, the one on Tuesday is only pass or fail, and if she passes, then she is "golden" as she puts it. I don't know what that means as she is far from golden like me.
We're going to throw a "Human Pet Passed Her G-R-E" party! Please excuse me as I have to go about setting up the stinky goodness appetizer tray!
How soon can we come over???????
We're raising a niptini to your human!
We shall crash the party!
Tell your Furless One, concatulations!!
Hurrah, hurrah! That's one tough test! We're so proud of her!
(And happy that now, you will get the attention you deserve...)
~ moose, turtle, nala
Congrats Human Pet!!!!! YAY!!!!!
Zeus, of course I forgive you for not being at my purrfday party yesteday, no problem at all. Can we crash the party with Patches and Mittens and SS&S? We can HOKEY POKEY! - Miles
WoooHOOOO. Good the bean gotted done with her test. Now she can give you all the attention you deserve, which means 100%, undivided attention.
Congurrtulations, bean Mommy of Zeus!!! Expect his furriends to crash your purrty!
zeus maybe you can sneak us some goodies from the party! Thanks for stopping by our blog
Whiskers and Dimples
Congratulations to your pet! Phew! I bet she's relieved that's over with. So now I'm thinking she owes you guys some extra special toys and treats. Just because.
Congratulations. That kind of success only comes from lots of hard work.
I threw you a link to celebrate.
Tell your human pet congrats! Georgia tells me that she created the GRE to systematically cause the downfall of human society. She's mostly talk though.
Hi Zeus, thanks for dropping in. My lady peep says congratuations on your score. And, she says she also finds it fascinating (and at the same time infuriating) that our man peep hears me purring. She says she thinks that perhaps he doesn't actually hear it, as much as feel the vibrations from it. And, I can guarantee that I purr really hard and there are plenty vibrations coming from me in the night.
Conpurrraltions on your Human passin her test. PARTY? Did I hear Party? Woo woo...IS lubba da partin'! When does it begin?
Your mom must be a smart lady! I walked around the house this morning meowing, "Yeah, Zeus' Mom!"
Unfortunately, Mom was at work and Brach was sound asleep in the closet shelf, so it feel upon deaf ears.
It's the thought that counted, right? CONGRATS, SMARTY-PANTS!
This is good news, Zeus. Now you can relax, secure in the knowledge that YOU won't have to go find a job to support everyone!
Good good luck to your bean!
Congrats to your human pet, Zeus! YEAH. Now she can get back to serving you, huh? I'll come with the other cats to crash your celebration.
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