Sunday, April 23, 2006

Playing with your pet

Dearest feline friends and human pets,

Most pet owners would agree that playing with your homo sapien is important. We cats have our fancies: feathers, yarn, cardboard boxes, or even those little toy mice for batting practice, but these may not interest your human pet. Sometimes, you have to be involved in what your homo sapien finds fascinating so the two of you can have some quality time.

How should you best get involved? Take for instance the following situation I found myself in yesterday afternoon. My human pet was seeming a bit mellow and lax. She went into her den and began playing some humanip. Her humanip of choice for the day was Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones.

Now, feline friends, I don't know anything about humanip, but I do know my homo sapien pet loves it. I decided I would try to join in on her fun time. First I sat by her and watched the television as she moved this falsified homo sapien along the colorful screen. She smiled at me which meant she approved of my interaction.

I decided to kick it up a notch by then pressing some of the buttons on the Black Button Box. ("X" and "O" are my personal favorites!) The homo sapien pet responded by playing with me: She bat at my paws, and I at her's! I nibbled on her hand, and she tugged at my ears. It's always fun to wrestle with your human pet, I must say!

Then I just decided I would play some of the game myself. I moved onto the human pet's lap and took over the Black Button Box. I had a hard time moving the falsified homo sapien on the colorful screen, but I don't think my human pet minded. She made lots of cooing noises, said my name a lot, and then kept trying to grab the Box back.

That's how memories are made right there, feline friends. Ah, what joy!

So the next time your homo sapien decides to do something that you may not find appealing (and we all know there's plenty of that at times!), try getting involved and enjoy some human activities! You never know: you just may like it!

Your's truly,


The Meezers or Billy said...

our mommy doesn't have one of those thingies, but she does play games on her laptop - and we always try and play wif her.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

These are words of wisdom, Zeus!

Anonymous said...

You are so right. It is so important to interact with the humans at their level to get quality time. I just love it! purrrrr

Victor Tabbycat said...

Does helping to clean the litter box count? Oh, an I helped wif the puter; Mom efun said so. I stepped on F1, which she said was lots of help.

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

Hi Zeus! We both help our Mom and Dad with stuff, 'specially the laptop thing and the shower thing.
Mom says I'm not really 'sposed to tell you how I escaped, but it had to do with sneakin' around the beans' legs when they were carryin' lots of stuff. Mom also says I haves to tell you that it's scary out there for us kitties. If Mom wasn't sittin' right here, I'd tell you somethin' different, though...
