Monday, January 18, 2010

Digital cats take precedence

Marina found a lost White Kitty on their farm. Oh no!

Marina was farming when a lost White Kitty wandered onto their farm in FarmVille. She got separated... from her family in all the snow. She's cold, wet and could sure use a nice warm place to call home.

Honestly, human pet. How about you do something real about the actual, live, breathing pet population?


The Creek Cats said...

Hey, our mom found one of those on her farm this morning too!

Angel Simba said...

I better not let Mom have a Facebook account - she spends enough time online as it is - something like Farmville would be a disaster!

Cute digital kitty though.

David E. Francis said...

Let me tell you, Zeus, Farmville on Facebook is very, very addicting. So is Petville. In fact, many of the games through Facebook become addicting. Got to go, my crops in Farmville are ready to harvest.... :-)


Zeus said...

Strangely enough, Dee, I was just pondering writing a piece over some developments that have occurred in this neck of the woods regarding Farmville addictions. I think I will now seeing as though there are others affected by this growing affliction.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Yeah I know. My human is like that too...

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

WE agree that she should be cuddling with you

Creepy Guy Searching for You on Mylife said...

I would never ignore you for Facebook games. I would always cuddle with you.

Zeus said...


Creepy Guy From Mylife has commented on MY blog! I feel honored...albeit creepily honored.

Now, kindly back away from putting your hands on me. I'm a one-human-pet kind of cat. ;)

Noll's Nip said...

Ah, I want to find a cute white kitty to go with my two gray tabbies :)

The Meezers or Billy said...

yeah, OUR the mom adopts them all. I think they get more food than we do.