Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Seven random things about me

Aloysius and Bebe tagged me for the 7 things meme. Here are the rules: Each player starts with seven random facts about themselves. Cats who are tagged need to write on their own blog about the seven things and the rules.

1. My favorite food is fresh, raw tuna.

2. One of my secret nicknames is "Gazda", which means "old man", in Slovak. This is probably due to the fact that I do quite a bit of moaning and groaning, a.k.a. bitching.

3. On occasion, I like waking up my human pet by laying my belly on her face and smothering her.

4. When I was a kitten, I would crawl onto my human pet's shoulder and ride on top while she walked around the house. According to my pet, I still think I am a kitten because I continue to try to do this. She says I'm too fat now.

5. I've never met a human female who didn't love me.

6. Once the litter box is freshly cleaned, I need to go in and mess it up immediately to let everyone know (in case there was doubt) that it's my bathroom.

7. I'm very proud of my hunting abilities, and recently, I left a thumb-size cockroach in my human pet's bed. When she woke up, she saw me staring at her, and the cockroach was right below me. Can you say, "Holy banshee scream, Batman?"


The Meezers or Billy said...

YIKES. Mommy would haf frown up on the bed if she saw that bug.

we gotted canned people tuna fur brekfest this morning (well, 'acause mommy forgotted to by stinky goodness). it was wonderful, but i bet fresh raw tuna is efenn better.

MOOOOOOOMMMM - go buy us some sushi!

Gattina said...

Didn't she jump to the ceiling with this disgusting companion of yours ? You are too generous with gifts !

Anonymous said...

Good one with the cockroach Zeus! Good one. What my human would have done then--well it makes me long for cockroaches!

The M's said...

Missy has to be the first one in the clean litterbox too.

NOLADawn said...

Wow, that's some hunting Zeus! I'm glad I didn't find it in my bed.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Yep - yer quite da ladies man!

Parker said...

Mommy said this about the bug - and I quote..."eeeeeeewwwwwwwww!"

Katie said...

my cat likes to lay on my face too... I don't understand why though.

Zeus said...

Meezers: We almost had that happen here with the whole throw up business. I just told my human pet I wasn't having any of that.

Gattina: Yes, our ceiling was clawed by my pet! :) She hates bugs terribly.

Cheysuli: Do your best!

Munchkin: I absolutely have to put my scent back in there because you just never know when some strange, foreign cat is going to sneak in behind you and mark it first.

Nola: I bet! I'm happy I didn't find it in mine either! ;)

Kimo and Sabi: I do try!

Parker: I would repeat what my human pet said, but I try to keep this G-rated.

Katie: It's because human noses are fascinating in how they stick out and have these flaring nostrils. ;)

Mr. Hendrix said...

I'll bet you've never met a female period that didn't love you! mmmmm tuna.....
I do that same thing with my litter box. it is MINE!

The Crew said...

Without a doubt, #5 is true! We manly guys know how to satisfy the ladies.

#6, definitely. The Alpha Male always marks his territory!

As to #7, the largest bug we've seen in our house was an unfortunate wasp that found his way in. The maid here (aka Mom) would probably pass out cold if she found a thumb-sized roach.


Aloysius said...

Great list, Zeus. Thanks for playing. I would kill cockroaches, too, but unfortunately, they don't thrive in this climate.

Bebe said...

Yup, fanks fur playing Zeus! I luv fresh fish too. When the people yell "RAW FISH" I stop whateffer I wuz doing and come running. I haff to eet fast tho cuz Tiger will try to steel mine share.

Kukka-Maria said...

Are you SURE the cockroach wasn't her? I mean, from what I've heard, they look quite a bit alike...

Mary said...

Zeus, I love raw tuna too, but I prefer it in sushi. :D I always enjoy reading about you!