Monday, March 19, 2007

Spring flings Zeus' heart

Hello again, dear readers,

I know. It's been a long time since I last posted; however, I am sure you found it as necessary as I did. Spring Break was my only opportunity to locate the woman known as Tany. I looked high along the cupboards and low along the baseboards. Not a single corner was left unnoticed by my steeley glance.

In the end, I am sad to report that I did not locate her within The House.

Yes, that's right. The House. While the rest of the world was out living it up on the coasts of Cancun, the Bahammas, and the Florida Keys, I was here in gorgeous and luxurious Houston. I had logically concluded that Tany must have known this aspect of my lifestyle, i.e., that I never leave The House, and that she was alright with it. Hence, she must have been located in The House.

Consider it the fruitless eHarmony scavanger hunt that it was. I don't know why I am prey to these naive pursuits.

Forgive me?


Carmen said...

Zeus, I'm sorry you didn't find your true love in your house. Did you look in all the corners?

The Meezers or Billy said...

we is sorry Zeus. Mommy is now singing "looking for love in all the wrong places".

Anonymous said...

Ah Zeus, what a sad tale it is. I hope that you are feeling better and more ready to go out and explore the internet to find someone who will come to you...

Kukka-Maria said...

Yeah...I may or may not have had Tany abducted and detained.

I've said too much already.

The Crew said...

Zeus, there is nothing to forgive. You were the innocent victim here, falling prey to one of countless internet scams. Count yourself lucky that this "Tany" woman, if indeed she is a woman, didn't give you a virus!

The Furry Kids said...

I'm sorry you didn't find Tany. Did you check under the bed? That's a real good hidey spot.

Unknown said...

We're glad you're back!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, if she was meant to be your soul mate, she'll turn up eventually. Keep looking!

Bone said...

Hey, Zeus.

I took a bit of a blogging break myself. Welcome back.